One Goal; To Win | Teen Ink

One Goal; To Win

October 23, 2014
By M.Ramos BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
M.Ramos BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stand before it, imagining the moves I can make

My pride and love, something no one can take
I ask myself “how far can I make it?”
but I remind myself I’m clearly mistaken
One in a million;those are my chances
So scared keep going, my chances might turn to ashes
Practicing day to day, morning ‘till night
Hoping one day to see my name up lights
Years in the making and no time to be breaking
Nothing can stop me, no one is holding me back
The pressure is high
Something I can’t deny, not even fake
Not going to stop trying, just for my sake
Been playing my heart out every game
Trying to achieve the fame
Wanting to be recognized, idolized
and soon, they will realize
People outside this city, maybe even outside this country
My dreams are big, maybe impossible, but I’m staying hungry
Soccer. One word. One sport. One ball. One goal-to score, and win.
Mireya Ramos. One girl. One love, One dream. One goal-to score and win.

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