The Battle | Teen Ink

The Battle

October 20, 2014
By ShatteredEcho GOLD, Leroy, Michigan
ShatteredEcho GOLD, Leroy, Michigan
11 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Our scars have the power to remind us that the past is real."

The defenses were strong at first
Able to block anything thrown their way
They knocked down enemies
Like a bowler knocks down pins.
Confidence was high
The defenses were winning
However, the enemies were never ending
They attacked in the morning
At night
And every time in between.
The defenses were slower
It got difficult to anticipate
The many surprise attacks.
The enemy sensed the faltering
And attacked more desperately
Throwing everything it had forward.
The defenses slowly fell
Brick by brick they came down
Fighting all the way.
The enemy, anticipating the impending victory,
Slowed the attack
It didn’t want the battle over just yet.
The enemy gave the defenses false information
The defenses had no idea of the new plot
All they could do was pick up the pieces.
But once something is broken
It’s impossible to fix it.
It’s like breaking a plate,
Gluing it back together,
And still being able to see the cracks.
But the defenses didn’t care.
They built themselves back up
Not as strong as before,
But strong nonetheless.
The enemy was impressed
By the determination of the defenses
But the game had changed.
Instead of wanting to win,
The enemy wanted to see
How many times the defenses
Could be broken down and built up again.
One battle turned to two,
And two turned to three.
Again and again the enemy struck
Again and again the defenses broke
Again and again the enemy let the defenses rebuild
Before striking again.
Again and again.
Finally, the defenses could not rebuild
They admitted defeat
The enemy got its long fought reward
A slow rolling tear down my cheek.

The author's comments:

I consider myself a strong person. This poem embodies that strength, and sheds light on the fact that even the strongest people break down. I hope people realize that they are not alone. Ever.

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