The Truth About Me | Teen Ink

The Truth About Me

October 17, 2014
By SuperBlondie BRONZE, Highland, Illinois
SuperBlondie BRONZE, Highland, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

I'm 16 years old

Born in May

They say it means I'm stubborn.

Well I came out head first and I've been running into situations that way ever since.

I'm 5'6" and 120 pounds and no matter what anyone says, my stomach will never be flat enough

I used to spend my time trying to find the cuts and bruises I didn't know were there so I could lie about the ones I did.

I'm afraid of falling in every sense of the word but I have a weakness for boys with cute smiles that think I'm funny.

I never know how to start things because I'm never one to end them.

I remember everything so I can't forget I've always been alone.

Green is my favorite color.

I love hugs only when I want them.

My feelings are never constant and always changing so I engrave them in ink and paper until I can find my way back to happiness I know I must have once had.

I can only remember not being lonely when the insides of books keep me company.

Now the only places where I feel like I'm not hated are the realities I make up in my mind where someone finally wants to keep me.

If I was asked if someone has ever broken my heart, I'd say no, because I shattered it to pieces listening to a woman who still haunts me and kept trying to put it back together only to cut myself on the jagged edges of boys who swore they had my best interests at heart.

I'm Natalie, and I won't say hello because I'm scared of a goodbye.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by Rudy Francisco's "Honesty Poem".

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