October 17, 2014
By Shakz-Peare BRONZE, London, Other
Shakz-Peare BRONZE, London, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I killed someone you see, I killed the girl who used to be me"

I fear of the day,
You turn away,
Every day I fear,
Of the day you shrug and say,
"Who am I to care?”

I fear of the day,
You take my friends from me,
Every day I fear,
You hear my tormented cries and pleas,
But still you do not care,

I fear of the day,
You realise,
How much you meant to me,
Every day I fear,
That your actions are cold and calculated,
But that I have yet to see,

I fear of the day,
I finally give up on you,
Every day I fear,
Of the day I shrug and say,
"Who am I to care?"


The author's comments:

" Fear can morph into spiders, inclosed spaces and even heights, but it can also be something you can't see, something you're dreading will happen."

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