Never forget | Teen Ink

Never forget

October 13, 2014
By JenniferA. BRONZE, No Stalking, Alabama
JenniferA. BRONZE, No Stalking, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Sadie's shining amber stars

gazed at me intently...

my future comfort

my dad's cruelty knew no bounds

banishing a helpless kitten outside

every day I went outside to stroke her soft, black fur

I trembled with fear

thinking she had abandoned me if I couldn't find her

she always wandered back

then... she didn't


my heart dropped and shattered into a million pieces

my world turned upside down

I fell into an abyss of despair

the world leaped onto my shoulders as I fell

I struggle still with the weight

I will never forget her

The author's comments:

When I was about seven years old, my first cat ever, Astian, had to be put down (Because of old age... he was 18 in human years). To cheer my family up my dad got three black kittens. Sadie, Bear, and Valentine were there names. Sadie was the smallest of the litter, and she also had these magnificent amber eyes. I wanted her to be mine the second I saw her.

Close to the end of third grade, my dad said I had to change schools in after the school year finished. I needed Sadie that year more than any other time in my life.

I made it through my first year at the new school because Sadie was always there to comfort me. Sadie started peeing in the house, so my dad stuck her outside permanently.

I visited her every day, but she often hid. She was such a shy little cat, and one week I didn't see her at all. No one else had either. I searched and searched, but there was no sign of my best friend.

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