Loneliness in Fall | Teen Ink

Loneliness in Fall

October 13, 2014
By dksora SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
dksora SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

The nights get longer, and the days get shorter.
Temperatures drop from hot as Hell,
to colder than Alaska.
Everybody has a somebody around this time.
What about me?


I want to cuddle up with someone too!
Everyone on Instagram are like "Selfie with the bae,"
and im like, "I'm going to lay in my bed all day."
But of course, no one can ever replace my pillow.
Ain't that right baby?


What am I doing wrong?
I have the Netflix and I have the blankets,
why won't anybody come lay with me?
I don't smell, at least I think.
Maybe that's the reason!


I thought this was Fall?
You know, Fall in love with me?
Haha, get it? No? I guess not.
Why can't I be just as happy as everyone else?


Damn you Fall, you ruin everything.
Because of you, I have nobody to be with.
Oh well, I guess it's another night with Netflix and my pillow!
I just wish my pillow gave me kisses good night.

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