Life is a Canvas | Teen Ink

Life is a Canvas

October 8, 2014
By PygmyGiraffe SILVER, Apex, North Carolina
PygmyGiraffe SILVER, Apex, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You, you, you are alive
feel the in and out of your chest rise
feel the boom clap of your heart beat
you, my friend, are alive
inside you is a swirling set of thoughts
confusion, emotion, passion,all naught

For your life is a canvas,
clay, no potter, a glass without water
a bank with no coins
You have a duty to use your two cents to help and join
with those who aren’t afraid to be alive.

To be living is a blessing, but it comes with a curse
Must you try to make the world worse?
obviously not, it’s your privilege to use your thought
to stir up the pool of your mind
put pen to paper, not foot to mouth

For your life is a canvas
to paint a picture for the planet
to hold your brother’s hand in yours
as we go together to open doors
for the minds left empty, the souls found silent, the fires found hushed

For their lives are a canvas, and you have the paint
Pick up your brush, if you aren’t afraid
making a difference may sound cliche
but you are alive to start a flame
drop your silent charade
use your voice to make a change
and if not, you’re left a blank slate.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this poem by the realization that only a very small part of our person is completely original, while most of our personalities are molded from those who are around us. The influences that shape our ideas of what a person should be like shows the effect we have on others.

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