I Wish | Teen Ink

I Wish

October 5, 2014
By Roshie SILVER, Sewickley, Pennsylvania
Roshie SILVER, Sewickley, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"After three days without reading, talk becomes flavorless." - Chinese Proverb

Walk up the stairs,
it’s getting kind of late,
look out the window,
pause a bit and wait.

In a inky midnight sky,
a pinpoint of light resides,
a tiny beam of clarity,
in these confused and troubled times.

I lean upon the windowsill,
gaze out in the moonlit sky.
Close my eyes and take a breath,
and begin to repeat a rhyme.

Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wishes I wish tonight.

Some wish for abundant riches,
other for money and fame.
But me, I don’t wish for these,
I wish for something a bit more tame.

I wish that my brother,
could appreciate more.
And that he’ll stop saying those words,
that hurt people to the core.

I wish that my mother,
would think before she speaks
Her quick tongue lashing,
but regretting too late, after a week.

I wish that my father
would pay attention to me,
too busy with his work,
caging himself in, never can flee.

I wish that my friends
could see the real me
could know who I really am,
let me be free.

I wish that my teachers
wouldn’t get so frustrated
when I answer all the questions
and my brain is unsated.

I wish that people
would pay attention to what they say.
Words can wound souls more,
than sharp swords may.

I wish that all were happy
and content with their life,
smiling in the face of evil,
turning their backs on strife.

And now, dear star
I have one final wish.
One for myself,
so hear my wish.

I wish that I could live well
make a difference in the world,
know that wealth isn’t everything,
and that all that glitters isn’t gold.

So these are my humble wishes,
many in number and deep.
Star, could you please grant them?
so success we may all reap.

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