Wrinkles | Teen Ink


October 3, 2014
By Jelises SILVER, Saint Louis, Missouri
Jelises SILVER, Saint Louis, Missouri
7 articles 3 photos 0 comments


For what?
Science claims,
Loss of collagen and elastin in skin.
Lacking moisture,
Getting thin.
Fat disappears,
Epidermis sags.
Bodies are as things,
Crumpled grocery bags.

“No more WRINKLES. No more SAGGY FACE.”
His gloves, his lab coat,
A single needle... erase.
Her bleached blonde gray hair,
Injection in a second,
Gloves stuffed with money,
Time holds nothing pleasant.
His smiling red convertible,
He declares blondie’s face preservable.

She stands,
Retired for years.
Perfume strong,
Wash away her fears.
Icing to cover an over cooked cake,
Change anything at all,
Just to look fake.
She doesn’t mind the whiteness of her hair,
Something unsettling looking in the mirror.
Ugly sag has come with time.
Dark brown age spots,
Called a crime.

He has just begun to acquire them,
Tell tale signs of aging,
Complexion worth disdaining.
Lack of his twenties figure,
Reminder he’s completed his life.
Failed use of anti-age cream.
Traumatic loss of his wife.

Innocent four year old boy,
Soft lines on grandma’s face.
Her smile a little brighter,
Light he can’t replace.
Her anger is more serious,
Her mind more mysterious.
Soft to the boy’s touch,
The truth... he loves her very much.

They show the reality of life etched in scribbles across a human canvas.

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