The Blind Man | Teen Ink

The Blind Man

October 2, 2014
By Chad-Aberdean BRONZE, Kahoka, Missouri
Chad-Aberdean BRONZE, Kahoka, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What does a blind man see?

Does he see black?

Or white?


Or Night?

Does he have to close his eyes to sleep?

Can he see his memories?

Behind his dark shades,

What goes on in his blind mind?

Is it as white as his blind eyes?


Does he feel?

Does he know the color of the sky?

He knows the names,

but does he know the shades?

Can he feel color?

Can the poor blind man understand blues?

Or greens?

He can hear the wingbeats of the blue bird.

But does he know what blue means?


What is blue really?

Nothing more than a word,

to name a color,

to name the sky.

Poor blind man.

He sees what no one does,

he sees nothing

The author's comments:

I wrote this out of sheer wonderment of the mind of a blind man

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