Romeo & Juilet | Teen Ink

Romeo & Juilet

September 24, 2014
By TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a struggle requiring optimism and confidence

I feel like we are Romeo and Juilet with a twist. Yet our death isn't caused by our parents it's caused by one another. I love you and you love me. Why can't we just be happy? Somtimes I can't sleep because, of you. Other nights I just think about the things I have done to you. You can't see the tears that have silently escaped from my eyes. You don't see a heart that is broken inside that longs for love with its feelings and emotions. For all I could do was think about your precious, sweet soft lips. The way you held me in your arms it was perfect, almost like heaven. Yet that was the only day that I had gotten to see your lovely face. Eyes brown as the earth and skin that nearly melts. So smooth like the petal of a rose. Our story is like Romeo and Juilet with a twist. Our deaths not caused by our families. The dying soul and slow beating heart coming to an end is because, of each other. Death caused by one another. 

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