Another Ocean Poem 2: Waves | Teen Ink

Another Ocean Poem 2: Waves

September 18, 2014
By JoeCaldwell SILVER, State College, Pennsylvania
JoeCaldwell SILVER, State College, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

So maybe life is just this series of waves.
A constant slow pull
and out.
What must we do
in the face of this unsteady
but yet predictable
What do we do with any wave?
Surf it.
But wait...
I don’t know how to surf.
Get up
Get thrown down
Splash, splash, splash!
Swim back and try again.
I got this!
Oh s***!
What’s wrong with you kids?!
Keep life simple.
Start where it’s swallow
push pull
Because while you deal with what you think could save you
only to have your problems rush back at you
We ride
and ride and ride and ride
and fall and fall and fall
and swim back.
Because we are swimming through all that
just to stand up
above these problems
and let them push us
the way we want to go

The author's comments:

This is the sequel to my other Another Ocean Poem, which I also submitted. This poem is the answer to the question that is the first poem. It provieds an upbeat metaphor for life. I write about life being like surfing, however I have never surfed. The question is...

Have I ever lived?

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