Life goes by/ music video prompt | Teen Ink

Life goes by/ music video prompt

September 16, 2014
By Kurt Nickels SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
Kurt Nickels SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When he said, life goes by, that got me thinking, and he’s right, life does go by, and too many people are too busy or stubborn to notice it. When all you have to do is stop, take a step back and block out everything else, no matter how important what you're doing is. Look at everything around you and realize how good it is, even if your life seems like it is going nowhere. Stop and find something you love in life, and hold onto it, whether it be a person, or a thing, or even an emotion. No matter how silly or serious it is, keep it, and then come back into the world and realize how much easier things can seem.

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