A Serving of Frienship | Teen Ink

A Serving of Frienship

August 24, 2014
By sbox128 SILVER, Sharon, Massachusetts
sbox128 SILVER, Sharon, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When we say our first hello,

The ingredients begin to come together.

Sugar, for sweetness

Salt, for flavor

Spice, for experience.

Eggs, the glue that binds our hearts

Into one single beating drum.

Butter, so we never get stuck

And baking soda, so we never fall down

Or fall apart.

You and I

Are a symphony of flavor,

Always fresh

And fitting together in the most

Unexpected of ways.

Our friendship, once delicate and sugary sweet

Turns strong and savory, flavorful beyond measure

And we devour it

Until the



But no goodbye is the

Last farewell.

The recipe card still waits on the shelf.

And the aftertaste

Is the best part—

The memories that stir my heart

And stay on my tongue


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