Child's Play | Teen Ink

Child's Play

August 18, 2014
By VintageRoses GOLD, Houston, Texas
VintageRoses GOLD, Houston, Texas
15 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes at night I would sleep open-eyed underneath a sky dripping with stars. I was alive then." -Albert Camus

Need scrapes your skin slowly as tears invade your eyes but giving in means surrendering and we both know that surrendering is never an option.
So, we wait, our chocolate brown eyes trying to analyze the others depths as our minds run like clock work, slowly ticking with each thought that rings through our quiet minds.
We've learned to master our thoughts, him and I.
It's times like this when our vacant faces stare into one another that we find ourselves lost in the abyss of each other's misconceptions and intriguing ideologies.
It is only when words of anger spill from our lips like our tears of fury that the soft tick of our minds turns into heavy metal blaring in my room while I read another book on how to be logical.
It's ironic, really.
We talk only to fight only to silently listen to others' emotions through his fancy radio.
Our arguments are made with logic yet our anger cracks the glass that is our calm and yet no one knows that it was supposed to be bullet proof.
I suppose that's what you get when your brother could be your twin:
Calm, collected chaos.
And then we'll laugh,
Because the clichés run on.

The author's comments:
My brother and I often discuss philosophy and have come to the conclusion that we only have control over ourselves. As a result, our arguments' source is often left unresolved because my emotional reaction was illogical. If anyone else struggles between between being rational and emotional, than I hope they know that feeling is okay. Emotions are so important in our lives so don't completely disregard them.

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