Hurricane | Teen Ink


August 20, 2014
By TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a struggle requiring optimism and confidence

I feel like I’m the changing seasons one day I’m summer and one day I’m winter. A tug of war between lust and love, or like Yin and yang. I know I can be difficult or confusing at times but that’s me and more like every girl you will meet. I guess I looked deep into this heart of mine and seen that I still have feelings for you darling. Your smile, your eyes and, how u make me laugh. Yea that sounds like paradise but there is also a storm inside that I’m trying to tame and learn its ways. My feelings tangled, like cords to a TV just all a big mess inside. Don’t you see it in my eyes; these eyes of mine that you look into everyday. Yet when I try to tell u I feel a certain way it always gets stuck in my throat. its cuts and scrapes trying to set free but then I get scared thinking what is he going to say, is he going to get upset will I mess up this friendship between us? Yet the hardest thing ever would be to lose you because I let my feelings get in the way. I always try to hide behind this mask, somehow that I created but you always found a way to see through. I don’t’ know how which is a mystery of mine. Yet there are days when I have looked into your eyes and I seen the hurt I caused, and I feel ashamed; ashamed because I hurt another soul with feelings of my own. I’m like a hurricane. Pouring down this love of mine like the rain but also destroying what’s in the way like the strong winds of a hurricane.

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