My Class | Teen Ink

My Class

August 14, 2014
By Mr.Dominican125 GOLD, Miami, Florida
Mr.Dominican125 GOLD, Miami, Florida
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read.
- Mark Twain

My classroom is like any other
Four seemingly endless walls
Desks with an army of gum under them
Some even attack my pants every once in a while
There’s also the new projector and smart board
Another excuse for Ms. Jones to stay seated
On her fat... rear

Your presence is categorized by where you sit
And with whom
The nerdy kids sit in the front
They always pay attention
Never miss a day of class
And always do their work
No matter how HARD
No matter how TEDIOUS
And no matter how UNNESCESSARY

The slackers of the class sit in the second row
Behind the nerds
Only because they refuse to put any effort into academics
They simply listen to music
Or come late to class
Until Ms. Jones says those magical words:
“Alright get into groups”
Once she says that
A bunch of them scurry around looking for a nerd
To work “with”

Behind them sit the jocks
The athletes
The “I don’t have to do anything cause I’m good in sports”
They usually just sleep in class
Until it's over
And if not then they mess with nerds
But then ironically seek their help
With homework or projects
Not a very interesting group of people
Just a bunch of idiots

Behind them sit the “Populars”
They are usually popular because they are wealthy
Or cause they know someone wealthy
But then you get your occasional
Groupie who can transform himself/herself into a Popular
Not much to say about these guys
They mainly just pay off kids to do their work for them
Or they “convince” jocks to beat the crap outta the nerds
It’s sad and all, but at least it’s not me

There used to be a few preppy kids
But after the spitball war in 3rd period
They all became either a slacker
Or a detentionee
But honestly who really cares?

Anyway behind the populars is an empty row of desks
This is where the “Gangstas” of our class sit
I only see them when Ms. Jones is calling attendance
After that they “dip”
Leaving a trace of flipped over desks as they leave
Of course within that group
Are wannabe gangstas
Who didn’t grow up in the "hood"
Who never been at gunpoint or whatever
They just decided one day
“Hey lets be gangstas and let our pants sag
And that’s the group they "fell" into

Behind that empty row are the loners
Or as I call them the temporarily confused
Because ironic as it may be
They have yet to realize
That they all sit TOGETHER!!!

Behind the “Loners”
Are the gamers, skaters, and musicians
They can usually coexist peacefully
Until the very moment
Someone asks
“What is more interesting games, music, or skateboarding?”
You may be thinking to yourself
Ok, how often does that happen?
Ok, let me tell you my friend
In the last two months
We have had over 10 new kids
Who, for some reason
I don’t know if God is teasing everyone
Or what, but they all seem to ask
That very same question

Well anyway behind this weird group sit
The normal kids
The kids who are so socially diverse
That placing them into a category
Will take three lifetimes
So let’s just call them the normal kids for now

Behind them
Way in the back
Sit kids like me
Who never really chose a group in the first
Few weeks of school
So I guess you can say that
We are the misfits of the class
Weirdly enough
Back here there is a little bit of everything
So why exactly aren’t we the normal kids?
Just because we sit way in the back
So far that the smart board is
No longer legible
But whatever who cares
No one really complains about it
So why should I?

Well as you can see
My class is no different from any other
Everyone is categorized by personality and
By what they like
Because that’s exactly, how they want us to coexist

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