Soul Fest | Teen Ink

Soul Fest

August 14, 2014
By shortney GOLD, Vernon, Connecticut
shortney GOLD, Vernon, Connecticut
15 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness is choice. yeah, things in life make it difficult, but at the end of the day you control your own happiness."

Although I complained about sore feet, air mattresses, heat, and rain.
I would give anything to be back at Soul Fest Two thousand and fourteen.
This journey started with an IPhone that had no service.
I exclaimed inside my head that this would be the perfect “Cleanse.”
True Love was shown in a plethora of things.
The mountains that kept me dazing day after day even when my eyes were tired.
Deep conversations that made me think there is more to life.
Music that brought tears to my eyes.
Worship that made believe that for once, all was right and perfect in this messed up world.
A fire that brought warmth to all those who believed in it.
Strangers who became people whom I could say “I love you, and I miss you.”
A super moon positioned right above the cross, for all those to see.
A band member who told me “Thank you.”
Hiking to and from the tent, for I realized what sacrifice was.
I wish words could accurately reflect the true love that was shown.
It can’t.
No matter how bad a night.
The sun always rises in the morning.
Soul Fest two thousand and fourteen.
Keep on shining.

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