Realizations for Breakfast | Teen Ink

Realizations for Breakfast

August 13, 2014
By ShaniaJ. BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
ShaniaJ. BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“You’re not even old enough to know how bad life gets.” “Obviously, Doctor, you’ve never been a 13-year-old girl.”

I woke up this morning and felt a surge of emotions hit me. Instantly.
Dont ask me why because I dont have the answer , but all I know is I was laying in my full sized bed with half of it vacant. I was laying on one of my pillows with the other perfectly placed across from me ; unused. I was laying there with a thick heavy sheet and there was just so much of it. As if it were meant for more than one person.
And I want to say I was lonesome but the surge of emotions was anger, guilt, regret.. because yes I was in that lonely position, but I had gotten myself there.

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