Think like the patient rain | Teen Ink

Think like the patient rain

August 10, 2014
By LogicandRain SILVER, Dundee, Other
LogicandRain SILVER, Dundee, Other
6 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Reality is only something we perceive, but dreams are something we create - By little me!
Don't lose yourself friends because you couldn't forgive your enemies- Also by me.... I think.... xD

Think like the patient rain
Numerous, but slow
Waste no attempt in vain
However winds may blow

For this rain cares nothing for speed
Only direction and aim
If from my words, one thing you heed
Let it be my final claim

Take the course the speedy set out
Follow the winds path
Set your own pace, steady throughout
And never experience regrets bitter wrath

The author's comments:
I wrote this on a rainy evening, when upon looking out of the window I commented to myself that the rain was thick, but slow and steady, like it all had the same aim.

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