It Is. A poem about the Sunrise. | Teen Ink

It Is. A poem about the Sunrise.

July 10, 2014
By Ames-List BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
Ames-List BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

The Sunrise,
It Is.
It is the painting of a land that will never grow old.
It is the splendor of red and gold spilled across the dark sky.
It is timeless imagination.
It is the hope of a new day.
But also,
It is the memories of days long gone.
It is the divide between a world of darkness and a world of life.
It is the smile of the Earth as it gets up every morning.
It is the realization we all stumble upon as we look at our lives and know that we will never be good enough, only better than we once were.
And in that way,
It is the re birth of a world I wish I had never known.
It is the reason that even when my life is turning around in a circle I sometimes forget who I am and why I’m here, that I always get out, up and over and always remember that no matter what I’m going through life still goes on.
It is the wiping away of our tears.
As also,
It is the ripping apart of a love we once knew.
It is the essence of time itself.
It is the way I feel.
It is first but least important in a world of pain and a world of suffering fear. If only we took on a second to slow down and smell the beautiful sunrise as it raises a glorious warrior from the battlefield. A lion silently prancing across the savanna like it is all that.
Because the sunrise,
It is all that.

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