That Dream in Color | Teen Ink

That Dream in Color

July 4, 2014
By aliyaorali BRONZE, Rutland, Vermont
aliyaorali BRONZE, Rutland, Vermont
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

my dreams are more comfortable than the morning,

the sun gleams into my life,

shaking the feelings of the night

out of me.

does it ever occur to you

that you ever

wake up in the morning and realize

your dream was a dream, and not last night?

how do you feel when you realize

you don’t actually have that job

or that your lover isn’t real

or that that conversation didn’t happen?

how do you feel when you

realize that that

almost-intercourse you had wasn’t that real

or real at all?’re still considered that virgin if you f***ed in your sleep.

I mean, if you f***ed in that dream.

I don’t get it when people make it seem something special to dream in color.

Do some people dream in black and white?

with that flick of a light

do their brains

fry light

and black die dominates

leaving those faded spots of white?

I asked him and he told me obviously people can't dream in black and white,

even a blind man

would dream thoughts through black or through white.

that dream in color came back again

it let me down

because the next day

I felt connections to people who barely connect to me

I felt that dream that almost felt me.

that dream in color

it brought me up

to realize that

if life isn’t living in color

your mind may live instead.

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