Its Nothing | Teen Ink

Its Nothing

July 3, 2014
By Samlu PLATINUM, MPLS, Minnesota
Samlu PLATINUM, MPLS, Minnesota
23 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
close mouth don't get feed

Switch off upon my arrival, It is nothing as this blunt touch my mouth it is nothing. when i was stumping in the dark. it is nothing as i slave myself under the sun just to make sandwiches, but it is nothing compare to that very moment when i cooked the dark and ate the dark as i stood there looking up at the sun yelling to my feet as the dark lay there half eaten saying it is nothing. you see tomorrow when the dark will draw out shadow from yesterday in quick strokes, stroking across the wall like spiders webbing their homes. tlmbout it is nothing compared to that day when the dark will take a bite of the sunu, laughing down 24th street yelling it is nothing.
So switch off upon my arrival as the fragile door that was sealing this beautiful dark figure. cracking the seal open while this ugly shy inspiring soul so ready to die. ready to fight for the love of you but it is nothing, compared to that day the very earth shake as the battle of two souls reach to the point of nothing and walked away. bloody still saying it is nothing

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