The Princess of Bliss | Teen Ink

The Princess of Bliss

June 27, 2014
By SILVER, Newburgh, New York SILVER, Newburgh, New York
7 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

"Perspective is a lovely hand to hold." -Matthew Thiessen

She was carrying sad memories down the road
This dusty trail was all her heart had ever known
But summer sun and better days grabbed the tears
The light beat down on and burned every little care
And as she dropped the memories like feathers,
Daisies appeared on the road before her
She twirled, skipped, and bent over to pick them up
With a flower crown, she was more joyful than a princess in love
Barefoot, and full of bliss, she smiled as never before
Her heart sang a happy tune and smiled to the core
Finally, she came to a vast and beauteous flower field
She felt in comparison to the petals, all other beauty paled
As she took a closer look, she recognized each flower
They were the problems she used to have that never mattered
She saw the old lessons in a new light from then on
Any new teachings became like a friend, always welcome
Now tears don't fall down her face, her hope isn't frail
She has become the princess of the sunny flower field

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