Change in life | Teen Ink

Change in life

June 24, 2014
By Muskaan Aggarwal PLATINUM, Folsom, California
Muskaan Aggarwal PLATINUM, Folsom, California
38 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A little girl stood with sadness frozen on her face….
She watched silently as her parents handed over the keys to the people that were moving into her house…
The only house she had ever known, the house she had spent countless nights in…
She longed to believe it was all a dream, but she knew it wasn’t…
She heard her name and looked up…
Her mother was talking to her…
Time to go, her mother said cheerfully…
The little girl turned back to her house that was no longer hers…
Tears filled her eyes…
Why? She asked her mother. Why, why do we have to go?

Why can’t we live here?
Because movement and change is a part of life. Her mother said gently.
The world has been created that way.
Seasons change, the weather is different every day, birds go somewhere new, and even water moves…
Oceans, lakes, rivers, they are all constantly moving.
If they stayed in the same spot, the water would become very dirty,
Because all the dirt would just keep collecting in it…
We are so small compared to the world and it to, is moving…

The universe has been created that way and we can do nothing except go along with it. Right?
And aren’t you excited to meet new people or make better friends?
I am, I am said the little girl cheerfully this time,
And every time she was asked to start over once again…

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