Battered Soldiers | Teen Ink

Battered Soldiers

June 6, 2014
By TheDarknessBehindThisPlasticSmile GOLD, Londonderry, New Hampshire
TheDarknessBehindThisPlasticSmile GOLD, Londonderry, New Hampshire
15 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't try, just be yourself. And if it isn't good wnough for whomever you were trying for, they aren't good enough for you."

I have been a victim of Love.
More often one of lust.
But Love does more than victimize.
Love does more than wound It's victims.
Love debilitates.

Love is like the venom in cobras.
It inherently stuns the victim.
Emotionally inert, the victim suffers voluntarily.
Even if the victim tried to fight,
Love would surely conquer.

In a war with Love,
Every participant is a casualty.
But lust,
Lust is weak.

Lust is temporary, unimportant,
But it is faster.

Love is a war,
Lust is a battle.
Love leaves all with anguish,
Lust only leaves cutaneous scrapes.

The author's comments:
I had an emotional epiphany, and this poem resulted.

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