Grandma’s House | Teen Ink

Grandma’s House

June 6, 2014
By Metaphoricgirl1112 GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Metaphoricgirl1112 GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life to the fullest, or don't live at all"

I am from early mornings,
Major barking at the love birds outside the window
They chirp and tweet as if I'm waking up in a fairy tale
Pecking at the bird seed put out for them the night before

I am from the aroma of coffee
Breath taking and engulfing
Stealing away the smell I know as home

I am from the weather man exclaiming
“Its chilly, better bundle up on your way out the door”
As if we didn't already know
Our cold wisconsin nature
It sent shivers down our spines

I am from crawling into grandma’s room with a blanket
She would always wake up and laugh
She made me a cozy blanket filled bed next to hers
Grandma always knew the monsters haunted me
Major would tiptoe in
He’d cuddle with me on the floor to protect me

I am from Grandma’s house,
always a place to run back to,
open arms and welcoming hearts
The best grandparents anyone could ever ask for
This is what I call,

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