A reason to smile | Teen Ink

A reason to smile

June 5, 2014
By katrien BRONZE, Mokopane, Other
katrien BRONZE, Mokopane, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
if it doesn't chalenge you it doesn't change you

for the raindrop on your window,
for the sunlight that overcames your shadow
the people who hold you thight
and the shining stars at night

For someone who holds your heart
and everyday you get a new start
for music that makes you dance
for God that makes your plans

the friends that's always there
and everyone else who cares
for love who knocks on your door
and there is so much more!

there is always a reason to smile
or to laugh once in a while
so put one on your face
and enjoy all the lovely days

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