What If? | Teen Ink

What If?

June 1, 2014
By Kyrian SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
Kyrian SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This is the day the Lord has made; rejoice and be glad in it. -Psalm 118:24

SHOUT it from the rooftops they say.
But are we talking a real rooftop,
or just a metaphorical one.
‘Cause I’m not sure I want to stand
YELLING from the top of my roof
for all to hear.

All the characters in my books CRY
into pillows and fists.
I have pillows,
and fists are easy to make,
but what if someone were to HEAR my suffering?

I listen to songs that SCREAM
so I don’t have to scream myself.
I have tried tentatively,
and have failed,
to mimic my music.

What if someone LISTENS?
What if they TAKE NOTICE?


A question so often asked,
but never experienced.
We keep all opinions inside,
bolted behind barred doors.

So sometimes we need to SHOUT from the rooftops,
YELL to communicate,
and CRY out for others to HEAR.

We need to SCREAM loud enough
that people LISTEN to what we have to say.

Make people TAKE NOTICE.

Because WHAT IF you make a difference.

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