Where the Scars Came From | Teen Ink

Where the Scars Came From

May 28, 2014
By Lemons4Randi BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
Lemons4Randi BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
3 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.
e. e. cummings

The trees stand tall here, in all of their green, outlined by flowers of every sort of shape and color. They are scattered yet together show a masterpiece of shades; an explosion of color within one floral piece such as this deserves to be admired. A river nearby sparkles and shines; in its waters are jumpy fish. The sun filters itself around the ruffling leaves, filling the air with a warm glow. Feet folded underneath of the tickling grass, standing up tall, confident, and safe.
I had looked at the forecast this morning and saw that it might rain, but I had never expected it to come this fast. Dark clouds roll in, groan and grumble as they expand to cover up the last speck of blue sky. And fat droplets start to fall.
The drops of rain add to the river and within seconds that small little river becomes a pool of murky red water. It splashes and rolls on my heels as I run away from its waves, because the thought of being trapped in its waters makes me feel as if I am already drowning. My chest is tight, burning from my own heavy breathing, but no matter how exhausted I may be I know I cannot stop running. Sprinting as far as my little legs can carry me, I came upon a cliff. This cliff leads up so high that the top cannot be seen no matter how far you may try to stretch your neck. There’s no way out of this inevitable death unless I climb up the cliffs rocky surface. As fast as I can go, I place my feet in the nooks and cracks in the rock bed, pushing and pulling my way towards the top. The water continues to rage upwards, chasing me and trying to fill the gap of our distance, however I just keep climbing. The water begins to get closer and closers and gripping the wall becomes harder and harder, slipping from every placement I find and the cliff continues on and on, seeming almost never ending. The murky waters continue in pursuit, reaching upwards towards my weary, beaten body. My body is now cover is scratches and gashes, releasing blood in drips to feed the crazed water below, but it is not enough to satisfy its cravings. I just continue on, with the water getting closer and closer. There is nowhere to run to, no safe haven in sight, and my body can carry me no further up this unbeatable mountain.

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