As You Are | Teen Ink

As You Are

May 20, 2014
By girlfromthefuture SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
girlfromthefuture SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"smile, today is the first day of the rest of your life"

You can’t blame me for wanting to be perfect. Everyone does. They say we have a choice as to who we want to be, but do we? There’s a set up system made to help you pick from what they offer. And while people say depressed kids just want attention, it doesn’t mean they’re stuck up. It means they are confused, unnoticed by everyone. Or their friends are all happy and they should be and you should be, but you can’t keep your mask on forever. It gets sweaty and itchy and irritating and at that point you’re so frustrated that you just rip it off, but then you’re terrified of what they think so you find a new costume to put on and you act. Act like nothing’s wrong because you convince yourself that you’re fine. And, hey, it doesn’t matter if you’re happy; you just have to please them. Do what they say. Society’s dream becomes yours and you can’t seem to wake up, just watching the hypnotizing black lines called reality.
But at a point, you realize what’s happened. And you remember that it’s just like your mask of lies. And you wear your mask because you think the lies protect me? They hurt. And my lies hurt you. But it’ll get better right? RIGHT?
You don’t want them to see you as you are because you’re afraid. And you won’t admit your fear-no one will. Won’t admit that this world is damaged enough as it is and still you say your lies will mend the broken pieces of life, but Lord knows they won’t. You see your lies as glue when really they’re little knives, driving into the heart of reality and ever so slowly bleeding out all the tears and the pain because you’re just over it. Over life. What’s the point? But then something says your name. Someone takes your hand and makes you see that you are way prettier without your mask of lies on. And that something is a rope you use to climb up the mountain that is life. But every so often you pick up the wrong rope. You choose the one that has no connection at the top, so you fall. And try another rope of hope.
But some people get tired of picking ropes because they’ve tried one too many and put it around their necks and leave this world. It doesn’t make them weak. It means this world was too hard on the wrong person. And for those of us who think we’re at the top; then we look down and see that we are only 2 feet off the ground, so we keep inching up the rope. And this makes you happy because you’re making progress but then the mountain has a landslide and it crushes you.
And we’re supposed to know how to stay on the rope during this? We’re expected to hold onto something that might mean nothing? This world tells us who to be and covers it up with a false sense of freedom. You’re never really free. And those people who get too tired realize this fact and decide to give up. Although it’s not always their decision, is it? Because they don’t have someone to tell them to take their mask off and look in the mirror, and I mean really look, to see themselves.

As they are.

As YOU are.

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