Dragons, Witches, Walls | Teen Ink

Dragons, Witches, Walls

May 19, 2014
By Alina5V SILVER, Nicholasville, Kentucky
Alina5V SILVER, Nicholasville, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time,
in a land of
drugs, sex, and love,
was a girl.
No she was not a princess,
she was not magical,
did not have
beautiful long hair,
stunning smile,
or courageous confidence.
The girl had a mind,
creative and filled with
over-thought words.
As every tale tells,
she went on a journey,
self-realization and finding.
First challenge,
Not ones with breathe of fire,
but with breathe of persuasion.
The dragons spoke of
colors, nature, inner connection.
They blew breathe into her.
Instantly, she understood.
Colors turned vibrant,
nature grew feelings,
she became one with herself.
Still, she felt misplaced,
knew there was more.
So on the path she went.
Second challenge,
They smelled of dragons breathe,
yet evil brought them thrill.
A hat, thin clothes,
almost transparent,
clung to their bodies.
Pleasuring themselves,
smiles grew as
strangers gave gifts of
lingering lies, lust.
The girl desired their
happiness, confidence.
Under the dragons drug,
the witches sex,
the girl found herself
conjuring up confidence,
being able to be happy.
Although, happiness is
limited with loneliness.
So on the girl explored.
Third challenge,
The girl stumbled upon
castle walls,
stacking high into the sky,
surrounded by
men, women, love.
The dragons breathe,
drifting through their brains,
mixed with the witches
hurried satisfaction,
created love between the people.
Surrounded by lovers allowed
others to fall easily into the
trap of intimacy of oneself,
joined with another.
Looking up the walls,
the girl saw a boy,
hunched over,
peering down onto everyone.
He was as lonely by himself,
as the girl, surrounded.
Up the wall she climbed,
fingers bleeding,
heart racing,
muscles giving up,
until she reached the boy.
Instantly, the girl knew.
Love is something to
work for, a challenge,
not something given
out like peppermints.
Although to find this love,
she needed to be
one with herself, peace.
She needed to know
she has the ability,
the strength,
to make herself happy.
She needed to fight,
fight for something
she wasn't sure she would get,
a leap of faith,
to gain something bigger,
not to pursue the
easy, careful path.
From her journey
she returned,
hand held tight,
heart put at ease,
and head held high.
She was no princess,
this is no fairy tale.
Just a story about a girl,
dragons,m witches, castles,
and a new found love.

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