I Am Not Just a Body | Teen Ink

I Am Not Just a Body

May 19, 2014
By iwritepoetrynottragedies GOLD, Wiscasset, Maine
iwritepoetrynottragedies GOLD, Wiscasset, Maine
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." —Edith Wharton

My body has been roughly
sewn back together;
the thread—
pulling my skin gaunt against my bones.
they weighed and
measured my heart,
lungs and organs
making calculations
and speculations
then they stuffed me back up
gluing bones back together—
fitting my stomach in just so
and they took their thread and needle
and tried to fix me again,
but my body is tearing at the seams
this stitching clearly not enough to contain me
for I am more than an experiment
to test and measure
my body is more than the parts inside
that keep my pulse beating
and no surgeon can remove that from me
with their scalpels and saws
for my insides—
do not make me this girl.

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