Life. Is. Beautiful. | Teen Ink

Life. Is. Beautiful.

May 18, 2014
By emmastevenson BRONZE, Orono, Minnesota
emmastevenson BRONZE, Orono, Minnesota
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Three years old - an innocent smile,
Five years old - nothing can go wrong,
Seven years old - you're at your first sleepover,
Nine years old - the world is your oyster,
Eleven years old - you have your crush,
Thirteen years old - you have your first kiss
Fifteen years old - you're lost in a sea of peer pressure,
Seventeen years old - everything is going wrong,
Nineteen years old - everything has changed,
Twenty one - life is a party isn't it,
Twenty three - i think i have life planned out,
Twenty five - I have found my mister right,
Twenty seven - drowned in emotions
Twenty nine - theres nothing i love more than my child, I just want her to have a life different than mine.

What happens to make life take a plunge for the worst?
Why does it happen at such a vulnerable time in ones life?
Who gives one the power over others?
When does our perception of the world change?
Where does this come from?

Life is a beautiful thing,
Just not everybody can see that all the time,
Demons of the mind can trick one's self,
Never let them trick you,
All you can do is smile,
You can fool them,
You're a gift of nature.

The author's comments:
please know you're beautiful at this time in your life and every time

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