Todays The Day! | Teen Ink

Todays The Day!

May 13, 2014
By Hasiuk SILVER, International Falls, Minnesota
Hasiuk SILVER, International Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Today I got out of bed
What's the first thing I do
Many thoughts run through my head
Thoughts only of you
I should be thanking God that I am not dead
I should get ready for work so I'm not late
I roll of the side, slow to recover
Then I realize todays date
Another day I wish I could hold my mother
Many days in a row I have gone with out a little white lie
But that doesn't matter
The past has come and gone with a sigh
Haunting past deeds loom with constant clatter
Todays another day I have implemented my change
But to no avail
For the past still lingers and I'm trapped in a cage
Why not break the bars and just set sail?
The question that always inhabits my head
Should I stay or should I go
Many thoughts, thinking of dread
Who on this earth ought to know?
Thee greatest question of all love, past or present
Can we recover what we had
For a heart that was full, is now a crescent
And the answer might be it was just a fad.
No one believes people can change fully
I have proven them wrong
I've been a bully
But I've changed my beat like a does a song
My ways are different now,
can't you see?
No more sweat of guilt sits on my brow
From that past and what it did to me.
I will not cheat, I will not lie
With this promise I present to you
In hopes that you won't cry
Todays the day that trouble will not brew.
Change has taken place within my mind
It's a change that you wanted
I've turned my ways into that of kind
But from this past your heart has rotted
Reasons that hath unfold
My dead ways are still fresh in our conversations
I can tell you that my change is bold
Our love can conquer nations
You will have none of that however
From my past you have up and gone
A new path you seek to endeavor
Now all I have left is my brawn
No one seems to understand the life I lead
Not even myself can begin to understand
All I can do is beg and plead
That the change I made is not bland
The reasons why you're so distant
How could I not see
My mind needed some assistance
But now the clock has run out on me.

The author's comments:
Going through some tough times in my life right now with a relationship that has that on and off tendency due to past mistakes in my life. Just wrote out of pure emotion. I guess putting things down on paper is my best way to release.

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