High School Hell | Teen Ink

High School Hell

May 12, 2014
By Faithlynn GOLD, Tomahawk, Wisconsin
Faithlynn GOLD, Tomahawk, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love.
-Emma Watson

So many different people,
so many different stares,
This is high school.
Poor new kids don't know how hard it is here,
they're so clueless,
I've been here most of my life so i know how much of a hell it is,
but they don't know.
They'll find out soon,
they'll be talked to, judged, and put in a category,
that is if they're good enough to be talked to.
Just like the rest of us,
even the teachers respect the cliques,
if you're pretty and you meet the requirements you'll go in the popular clique,
if you're weird you'll be shunned and put with the outkasts.
If you're with the wrong crowd you'll be turned and hated by teachers and despised by the goody-good student body.
If you're none of the above,
then you're special.
Because for every word and everything you do,
everyday of high school,
you'll be judged.
No matter what.
And that's the sad, hard truth.
You can try hard to get out of your label,
but unless you find someone who you can really connect with and suppress your old self,
you won't be able to get out of it.
So choose wisely.
Either be judged everyday,
or be someone you're not,
because if you don't choose, someone will for you.

The author's comments:
So many people now a days in high school get roped into the wrong groups, and unfortunately it's not really their fault.

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