I Don't Want to do This | Teen Ink

I Don't Want to do This

May 4, 2014
By justlovelyjamie GOLD, Ringoes, New Jersey
justlovelyjamie GOLD, Ringoes, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't stress over what you can't control; it's not worth it.
Stay positive.
Let go, let God.

I don't want to do this; feel this.
the crying, it has to stop.
it really isn't beautiful--don't lie,
that's dumb, you're dumb.
no, I'm dumb,
and numb.
Why do I always have to f***ing run?
I don't want to do this; feel this.
it's harder than you think
when you wanna hit the surface
and all you do is sink, drown, so far down
and it covers you.
like 10,000 depths, damn does it cover you.
but I don't want to do this; feel this.
this sickness it's so thick and messy.
it tests me. I don't want to be tested
my mind's arrested.
but I thought I was the victim?
am I?
what am I? who?
I don't want to do this; feel this.
I'm going to scratch at my chest, break in the window, drown myself, throw myself, kill my...
no, you don't understand.
I don't want to do this; feel this .

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