The Pain is real | Teen Ink

The Pain is real

May 3, 2014
By Missy35 SILVER, Logan, Ohio
Missy35 SILVER, Logan, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never expect. Never assume.
Never ask. And never demand.
Jut let it be. if it's meant to be, it will happen.

The pain is real
So deep I feel like I'm drowning in the ocean
I can no longer swim
My lungs run out of air
I feel I'm done
The pain is real
Then I see light
But, not to heaven
The light your eyes give off
And the fireworks your smile shoot off
The pain is real
Slowly but surly
The pain subsides
I'm now swimming back to the surface
To wish on the shooting star
That our love brings to the world
The pain is real
But, now is slowly floating out to sea.

The author's comments:
Love, either if it comes from friends, family, and or a boy-friend or girl-friend, can always pull you back. But, you just have to believe it can happen. Don't loose hope.
I wrote this when I was having a good day, and I hope if you read this it can help pull you back and start to believe again.

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