He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not | Teen Ink

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

April 29, 2014
By AgentRina BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
AgentRina BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
3 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
(ma da ma da da ne)- Ryoma Echizen ( from prince of tennis)
(you've got a ways to go!)

"And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk." - Ruby Rose (from RWBY)

He loves me, he loves me not.
Tis a stupid question to ask.
But the most important question of all.
But that also is frivolous,

It’s been to long
Over a million times I’ve whispered it,
Quietly to the boy with the perfect hazel hair
And the perfect hazel eyes to match it.
And the perfect hair, that’s softer than any feather.
This question that is quietly asked,
So quiet not even the wind hears it or the pin that drops.

Only my heart hears,
My soul the one who asks.
I’ve tried to stop it from asking, wondering why I ever gave in.

But it’s too late.
My heart skips a beat and my soul leaps out.
Why did I ever give in to you?
The looks you have aren’t the ones I look for,
But I gave into you.
Into what my heart leaped at.
Into what my soul asked.
Now I’ll love you no matter who you like,
Which I’m almost positive it’s not me.

This love is one sided for all I know.
I’d like to ask you out loud.
If it’s even possible to love a loser like me.
So the love can be on both sides.
So my soul won’t ask any more
So my heart can skip a beat
So I can say you love me,
So my soul won’t say
He loves me, he loves me not.

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