Loneliness | Teen Ink


April 29, 2014
By poetry&unicorns PLATINUM, Rogersville, Missouri
poetry&unicorns PLATINUM, Rogersville, Missouri
32 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his/her point of view 'till you climb inside of his/her skin and walk around in it~ To Kill a Mocking Bird

Loneliness is an emptiness insde you. It is when you want sombody to be with you...
Somebody to talk to...
Sombody to listen to...
and you dont have anbody.
Lonileness is when you have a lot of people around you,
But no one wil talk to you...
No one will listen to you...
No one wil even see you...
And you feel like you're just part of the air.
Loneliness is when you can be crying inside yet no one is there to help you though the pain...
Help you become happy...
Help you to smile again...

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