Boulders Upon My Shoulders | Teen Ink

Boulders Upon My Shoulders

April 28, 2014
By leslieswett SILVER, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
leslieswett SILVER, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've lied and I have deceived,
but I have done so well,
with the words that,
trickle from my mouth,
like venom seeking a victim.
I cringe as it happens,
and at night I cry,
and pray for forgiveness-
my sins run too deep,
and they cling to my soul.
I carry them,
with every step I take,
the boulders of deceit,
upon my shoulders.
One day-
I will be strong enough,
I will lift them from my broken back,
and my secrets will soar with the angels.

The author's comments:
We all lie, but guilt eats at some people more than others. "I'm fine"

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