The Regression To the Mean | Teen Ink

The Regression To the Mean

April 7, 2014
By 50shadesofmomo BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
50shadesofmomo BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are worse things than being alone, it often takes us decades to realize this but most likely when they do it's too late, and there is nothing worse than too late"

The bright side of waking up
Are those few precious seconds
When you don’t recall all your failures
Right before the feeling disappears you get an infinite feeling

The dark side of waking up
Isn’t that moment when reality hits
But forgetting the dream you used to escape from reality
You try desperately to grasp the dream and hold onto it

The positive of a Friday
Isn’t the start of the weekend
But the calm right before the big storm
Everyone smiles oblivious to what happens next

The negative of a Friday
Isn’t the storm
But the moment right after the storm
When the tragedy reaps all of its consequences

The perfection in a Monday
Is when you get that feeling
Like you have a brand new start for the week
You think of all the happiness this new start will bring

The fault in a Monday
Isn’t when you realize that your thoughts of a new beginning were misleading
But when you wake up knowing the fantasy is over
And you’re back to reality

The beauty in the night
Isn’t that you get to sleep
But watching the stars and the moon brighten up the sky
It makes you believe in anything

The ugly in the night
Isn’t knowing that the shelter of night will disappear
But that feeling that somewhere out there something creeps in the darkness
And it haunts your soul

The greatness in Heaven
Isn’t eternity
But spending that eternity with the people you love

The Torture in Hell
Was never the pain
But suffering through that pain and torture alone

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece to have the evidence that there is a mean and it's when everything good and bad is at eaqual terms. When something bad happens there is always something good that is coming.

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