Impact | Teen Ink


April 9, 2014
By WardaaH. BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
WardaaH. BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
deranged little beings everywhere //

Society will judge you, and call you names, when they don't even know your story, so keep a barricade. Bring yourself to a place, where you can escape for a while.. Their words will hurt you, but please put on a smile. It'll break your heart, And you'll question yourself. You'll wait for a reason, not to kill yourself. You'll pick up a blade, it'll gleam in the moonlight.. The sudden twitch of your hand, won't signal jeopardize. You'll bring your hand closer, to the wrist of the other one.. Then suddenly remember, a reason not to cut. You brush the thought away, and get on with it again.. Though a voice in your head, is begging you to behave. Then a voice will give you, a hundred reasons to carry on And you'll have a battle with yourself.. why and why not? You'll slash your wrist once, and wince as the pain overwhelms you Then a sudden pleasure will take over, the tears will suffocate you. You'll push those tears back, and close your eyes Then the images will pop up, telling you everyone will be happier after your demise You'll think of your parents, and feel sorry for them That they have a worthless daughter, who's cutting herself You'll suddenly open your eyes, and wince in pain They'll widen at the sight, of your blood everywhere In all the ugly thoughts, you didn't even notice That you're slashing your wrist, lost in the moment A jerk of pain will bring you to reality Then you'll sigh in relief, and feel free.. free.. after a, century. You'll feel your body lifting, floating in a haze You'll look at your lifeless body lying there, in a daze. A few months have gone by now Everyone still remembers The things they said to you, will haunt them forever. Your parents still weep, and your friends regret their actions And you might still be there with them, if they just knew your reaction. People out there loved you, but they failed to express it And because they weren't fast enough, you just decided to surpress it. But listen here, dear beautiful person.. You are not worthless. You are beautiful and extravagant Even if you might not believe it. There might be a thousand reasons for you to end your life But focus on the positives, the one good positive reason, the good, happy side.. For a thousand reasons might choke you, but one just may save your life.

The author's comments:

I want to be one of those people who raise their voice against bullying and who encourage people to stop self-harming. And I just want people to stop and think for a second about all the good things in life, and focus on every positive aspect.

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