They Were Wrong | Teen Ink

They Were Wrong

April 13, 2014
By Aj.Neuhardt GOLD, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Aj.Neuhardt GOLD, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Come walk with me and help me cause trouble

They push and shove us
They call us stupid
Ugly, Fat
R*****, F**
W****, And more than that
They say words don’t hurt
But they cut deep
They left red lines on his wrist
On her legs, and thighs
They were wrong about you
You were smart, and strong
But they broke you
They destroyed something
That was more beautiful
Than they can wrap their heads around
One day he cut too deep
One day she took to many
People say they gave no signs
I ask are you blind?
Are you deaf?
Did you not see her tears?
Did you not hear his cries?
She begged you to say something
He didn’t hide them to show them off
He did it so someone would help him
They just needed someone to care
Someone to hold them and say it’s going to be ok
They were wrong
They hurt you
They stabbed you
They made you wish you were never born
They hit you
They didn’t know you
They didn’t know how sweet and kind you were
How truly beautiful your voice was
How your hair just fell perfectly
Your smile lit up a room when you walked in
Everyone always watched you walk by
Graceful and happy
They didn’t know that big secret you kept
The scars they couldn’t see
They laugh and point
They remind you “cut across not up and down”
They don’t know what you deal with
A single mom
A deadbeat dad
Abuse, Rape, and they just add on
They say kids can be cruel
No kids can be evil
The words they say just add to his cuts
She counted every person that had ever said anything
Mean to her and that’s how many pills she took
After they left, They were shocked
How could this happen?
They seemed happy
But they were wrong
Their hurt was darker and deeper
Than anyone could see
Those of us left we see that most of us are gone
Everyday we start to lose another one
Because no one cares about us
No one took the time to say something
They were wrong about you
you are Beautiful, sweet and smart
Those of us left we’re survivors
We are the proud and strong
We will stay standing till the last one falls
You were wrong about us

The author's comments:
I wrote this after my two best friends killed themselves. My guy friend was gay so he was getting beat up because of it. My girl friend was getting bullied because her scars, which just made her want to cut more.

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