The "S" Word | Teen Ink

The "S" Word

April 12, 2014
By 2fargone GOLD, Columbia, South Carolina
2fargone GOLD, Columbia, South Carolina
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
The best fights won are the fights not fought.

“There once was a class
a math class
that was filled to the brim with students
on the first day of the new semester
I looked for a seat
I didnt want to be in the front
so I took the seat
two from the back
and one over
from the center of the board
once the bell ringed
we played a game
to get to know each other
and so the teacher could
give us an easy grade
I really didn't try
I just wanted to pass
and I wasn't the only one
I saw a kid
a boy who sat in the first row
and right in front of the board
I didn't really know him
nor did I care too
now days went by
as days always do
and weeks went by
as weeks normally do
then one day
as I was watching the news
I saw a very familiar face
the boy who sat in front of the board
i didn't see him
just a picture
he looked really sad
had committed murder
since the definition of murder is
the unlawful taking of a life…
the unlawful taking
of a life
the next day at school
I took my seat
and looked at the empty desk
right in front of the board
and as the bell ringed
it stayed empty
no one said anything
nor did anyone need too
we all knew what happened
now days went by
and days always do
and weeks went by
as weeks normally do
and that desk
stayed empty
no one moved to replace it
nor did we get a new student
it just stayed
the teacher never teached
in front of the chair
and she never looked at it directly
the first thing people saw
when they looked inside the room
was the empty chair
in front of the board
now days went by
as days always do
and weeks went by
as weeks normally do
then there was a mistake
that everyone will remember
the normal teacher was gone
and was replaced with a substitute
now the class was loud
as classes normally are
as she called the role
the substitute called a name
a name of a ghost
the class heard this
the whole class heard this
and stood still
it was like time itself
was broken
it made everyone remember
what happened
i left that class
thinking about
that empty desk
now days went by
as days always do
and weeks went by
as week normally do
and then came the end of the semester
and everyone left the class
not knowing that that room
would change their life
and how they view life itself
they would never discuss
about what happened
to other kids
just to the ones
in that almost filled to the brim
math class”
I tell you this story
to tell you a moral
its a true lie
or a false truth
that for you to decide
you dont have to believe it
thats not the point
the point is that you get
what in trying to say
I hear a lot of people
tell jokes
but rememberable
and they don't know what going on
in that person head
and it hurts me too know
that I could of done something
all I had to do
was play a game
and get to know
one person
now as these days go by
as day always do
and as these weeks go by
as weeks normally do
I want you to think about this story
I told you today
I want you to listen
to the jokes everyone says
I want you to change a life
too save a life
I want you to think hard about
one word
The “S” word

The author's comments:
I got tired of hear jokes about suicide...

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