She Cries Herself to Sleep Sometimes | Teen Ink

She Cries Herself to Sleep Sometimes

April 12, 2014
By crayonsoup GOLD, Omaha, Nebraska
crayonsoup GOLD, Omaha, Nebraska
10 articles 13 photos 0 comments

Head on the pillow,
And body parallel to the mattress,
She cries.

She's not good enough for public,
She's not pretty enough for love,
She's not small enough to hold,
She's not enough
And she never will be.

She cries.

A teaspoon of tears
Pool up in her left ear as
She thinks of starving herself.
She cries.

She runs and runs
So that she might lose
Enough, just to be enough.
She cries.

She wishes the cupboards were empty.
She only drinks water.
She runs.
She cries.

There's not enough time
To do it safely
So she begins the end.
She cries.

Water now not for nutrition,
Only saline solution.
She cries.

Malnourished is beautiful,
Decaying bones are hot,
She finally did it.
She cries.

She runs into a hug,
His arms could wrap around twice,
She falls,
She cries.

She can't get up,
Muscles are for the weak,
She lays down
And cries herself to sleep.

She sees his face and
He looks confused.
Who thought it was this bad?
No one knew.

She sings,
"Sleep send my soul
Leave my body where it lies"

As she cries.

The author's comments:
i battled loneliness and low self esteem

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