Warning Signs | Teen Ink

Warning Signs

April 15, 2014
By Conscientia BRONZE, Chassell, Michigan
Conscientia BRONZE, Chassell, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The marks humans leave are often scars."- John Green

My eyes are permanently aged from lack of sleep
And seeing the things we're not supposed to see.
So lift the edges of my smile
To take a glance of what's underneath.
Where have you been?
Taking my heart in your hands to wring it out,
To try to twist away the moisture of forgotten traumas.
Capturing me in your gaze to play a game of chicken and see who looks away first.
Where have you gone?
Turning out the lights to know the absence of sight.
Hanging off the edges, just to feel afraid.
Passing a hand through the flames,
Just to know all the ways you can burn.
It's the collisons we need to remind us we're still breathing-
But there's no injection for this,
The aching in our lungs for someone else.

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