Summer | Teen Ink


April 9, 2014
By swiftlysailing SILVER, Wyckoff, New Jersey
swiftlysailing SILVER, Wyckoff, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you remember the summer?
The way the soft yellow sun rises up and settles down
conquered every night by firefly-dotted darkness
I mean the way windows creak when you swing them open, letting a flush of warm air
The way popsicles drip down sun-streaked legs and float in pools of blue crystal
How it feels to ride a skateboard of sparks down iron hot pavements
Heat on heat, summer surfing dreams

Do you remember the way you held my hand
like the sun caressing bare shoulders
How it felt to lie on green grasses
with me
The way seal salt wind tossed our hair
The way sand snuck between us
How we pushed it away
and built castles with it

Do you remember how different things were back then?
As if summer air holds sweetness that makes love more lovely
As if the freedom of skateboards and empty backpacks and minds
filled our hearts with something better
something warmer

Because now the cold has come
The green grasses are gone
and those castles have long washed away
You no longer hold my hand
The sun lays white on the horizon
There are no fireflies, just darkness, now
and I no longer remember the summer

Do you?

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