Do we really need homework? | Teen Ink

Do we really need homework?

April 9, 2014
By Theartist22B BRONZE, Lecompton Ks, Kansas
Theartist22B BRONZE, Lecompton Ks, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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So it's been said that we either have to much or to little homework right? Well how about none? I mean it's something everyone agrees on right? Most of us don't do it anyways, and we get in trouble for it. We either don't know how to do it, don't want to do it, or don't have enough time. Were living in our own worlds when we get home, home is the place we relax, and let go of all the stress from school. But on the other hand it can also be the place where were working the most, am I right? I'm not working when I'm home but I will be soon, I relax and don't really think about to school when I get home. The only things we wanna do when we get home is relax and take a nap or something not do homework, that's what school is used for. We would rather sit back and watch tv or be on the internet or read, or nap. I mean I love to read and take a nap when I get home, but that's me. We all like the time to relax and school just doesn't cut it, I mean if we can go home and not worry about not getting our homework don't I think it would make it easier on us, school is already to much of a drag for us. So the teachers that day they are trying to prepare you for adult hood are the ones who give you packets of papers to do the whole entire class time and the ones who want you out of their class. But the ones who want you to learn stuff tell you these stories and give exciting lectures. But after a long days work we would rather go home and let loose than do more school work at home. Our logic when we get home is put our backpacks, books and paper down, grab a snack and relax. Some of us go with our friends after school because we don't always have time to talk to them at school, but homework doesn't let us do that. We have to stay home and work on something that we either know or don't know how to do, because some of us were paying attention, and some of us weren't. I know it's bad to say this but I don't really pay attention in almost all my classes because well I don't like them there are only a few that actually catch my attention. I don't think we need homework with the way our generation is, if you ask me there should be NONE AT ALL. But then again that's just me........

The author's comments:
We really don't need homework if all were gonna do is go home and mess around

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