Love and Lust | Teen Ink

Love and Lust

April 7, 2014
By mk812 SILVER, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
mk812 SILVER, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How do I translate
these hot tears that
burn my cheeks with
their frustration and desire?
Condemn the society that
decided teenagers couldn't love!
That the only thing
we know is lust
for another body to
feel underneath our fingers!
When I fall out
of love it is
called lust, isn't it?
But according to you,
I haven't known love
for another person yet.
So how can I
lust for someone so
desperately and passionately if
I haven't loved yet?
Why can't my lust
be love? And what
are you telling all
the adults who break
their families for lust?
Who on earth decided
how old you have
to be to feel
beautiful, pure, unwavering love
for another person, especially
if the 'mature' age
group can barely love
one another themselves? Maybe
that's why society is
so screwed up when
it comes to love.
Because we're told the
love we feel is
actually an unforgivable sin.
The funny thing about
society is society is
us; We are society.
We can change if
we really wanted to!
But we are too
lazy and stupid to
know where to begin!
But that's okay, I
guess. I'm content questioning
everything about myself until
I want to scream,
but am too tired
to do so, which
only frustrates me further
and makes me cry.
How do I translate
these hot tears that
burn my cheeks with
their frustration and desire?

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